Greeting by the chairman

In the 70 years since its establishment in 1946, the Association of Private Universities of Japan has been dedicated to promoting higher education in Japan, particularly the enrichment and enhancement of private universities, in order to support the development of postwar Japanese society. At present, more than 400 private universities are members of this association. We have established branch offices and liaison councils in seven regions nationwide, and efforts are underway to revitalize each region and to develop the human resources needed by the local communities. Within higher education in Japan, private universities in particular account for roughly 80% of undergraduate students nationwide, fostering human resources through the education provided. Japan's private universities are currently vigorously tackling various issues such as the continuous improvement of the quality of education and the advancement of research in order to respond to the evolving times and the diversifying demands of society.
Today, APUJ is also tackling major challenges such as how to provide university education to students after overcoming the pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 in 2020. In order to overcome this crisis, a great amount of knowledge was gathered and an optimal direction was sought. We are entering an era in which we must take a step beyond the existing framework and either create a new framework or make the necessary choices. When each university sets a new direction for the next era, it will be necessary for those of us at universities to carry out the necessary reforms regarding the future of university education and the development of human resources together with the digital transformation of society. In this new era, diverse and multitalented human resources will be the driving force behind a new society. In addition, human resources who can adapt to rapidly changing times and create new changes are needed.
With the aim of becoming private universities that foster human resources with the knowledge and skills necessary for the new post-pandemic era, we believe that now is the time for a major structural shift toward higher education policies that place greater importance on private universities. APUJ will continue to make concerted efforts toward the realization of this paradigm shift. We will continue to contribute to the creation of a new society in Japan through the pursuit of diverse values and creative challenges. We ask for your continued support and cooperation.
Yoshiaki Obara (President and Headmaster, Tamagawa University)
Chairman of the Association of Private Universities of Japan